POR FESR 2014/2020 - Axis 3 - Action 3.3.4 - Sub-action C

Call for the disbursement of contributions for interventions to adapt tourist accommodation facilities to compliance with the hygienic-sanitary requirements provided for by national regulations and guidelines for the reopening and ordinary performance of tourist activities, as a result of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19. DGR no. 1391 of 16/9/2020 Purchase of sanitizing plexiglass and masks to protect staff and customers as per Veneto Region indications

Purchase of adhesive material and installation of squares, totems with indications showing the rules to be followed for workers and customers as per company protocol and sanitizing gel dispensers distributed in all areas of the accommodation facility.

Purchase vaporizer for periodic sanitization of environments as per report 33/2020 of the Higher Institute of Health RELATED DETERGENTS. Sanitizing gel, surgical protective masks and FPP2 and gloves

Purchase of legionella system and dishwasher with external thermometer and automatic detergent dispenser with sanitization temperature indication for virus abatement on the dishes used by customers as per report 27/2020 of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità Public support granted:
€ 4021,07 VAT included